Available in Landmark Speeches of National Socialism.

Goebbels on Propaganda: His speech at the 1934 Nuremberg Rally.“The Racial Question and World Propaganda”: Goebbels at the 1933 Nuremberg Rally.“Radio as the Eighth Great Power”: On radio (18 August 1933).“German Women”: Nazi views of women (March 1933).“Our Hitler” (1937): Available in Landmark Speeches of National Socialism.Instead, Goebbels delivered a speech on the press. Goebbels’ annual speeches on the eve of Hitler’s birthday: 31 December 1944: The end is in sight, but Goebbels is not willing to admit it.31 December 1943: Despite the disasters of 1943, Goebbels predicts German victory.31 December 1940: Goebbels is optimistic.31 December 1939: Goebbels reviews 1939, and finds Germany innocent.31 December 1938: Goebbels reviews 1938 and complains about complainers.31 December 1933: Goebbels looks back on Nazism’s first year.Goebbels’ speeches on the eve of the new year:

It presents the Propaganda Minister in a flattering light.